Aqueous Coating

Aqueous coating is a water-based finishing process that creates a protective layer with a soft touch on prints. This coating is primarily used for its functionality, as it can prevent ink rub and scratches. Moreover, it can be FDA-approved for contact with food, making it ideal for packaging materials.

Why use it

  • Can prevent ink rub
  • Water-based coating, not oil-based like UV coating
  • Can fit within FDA regulations for dry and/or wet greasy food contact
  • Protects material from scuffs and scratches

Why not use it

  • Spot coating is not available.
  • Air dries that means slow processing.


Aqueous coatings are a sustainable option for coating various surfaces, as they use a water-based resin polymer. They create a protective layer that prevents scuffing, rubbing, and scratching of artwork designs, while also enhancing surface tension and durability. These coatings have a soft texture which provides a glossy, matte, or satin finish, thereby enhancing the color quality of packaging designs. It is no wonder that they are widely embraced in various sectors such as high-quality brochures, retail packaging, and food packaging.